The abnormal aches while getting out of bed, walking up the stairs with knee pain, sitting in a chair with back tightness, even feeling aches while standing. Not to mention, the stomach pains that affect you now, after eating certain foods, you use to devour as a youth. Feeling fatigue more often now then any other time in your life while doing what you consider, simple tasks. Also, your metabolism noticeably slowing down, and feeling sick more often after every passing year.
These are all examples of the forbidden word, AGING! We will all deal with it at some point in our lives. Some earlier than others. Various factors (see paragraph above) will influence if someone feels "young or old", but the average age of 47 seems to be the constant theme based on some research studies I've found.
Yes, I'm speaking for myself, but I feel that we, as the 45 and older demographic, do not want to feel this way. Heck, who wouldn't want to be able to eat whatever we want, and feel the energy and strength as we had during our younger years. The reality is we need to be proactive in the ways we treat our bodies, so we can simply feel better.
I'll be 49 years old in a few days, and I can say I have been proactive in taking care of my health for most of my life. Mostly because I have been involved in athletics for most of my young adult life, then becoming a personal trainer (for over 23 years) has helped also. I'm also an IFBB Pro Men's Physique competitor and this helps me stay motivated and stay consistent. Now, not everyone is a personal trainer or pro competitor. We all wear different hats, and have different lifestyles, but that doesn't mean you can't start staying in shape after 45!
Here are some ways to start now:
Get your bloodwork done!-I stress this. Finding out what's going on inside you can help you set a game plan moving forward. I suggest a mineral panel that will check what vitamins you're naturally deficient in, as well as a full panel blood test to check, A1C's, cholesterol, prostate (men), red and white blood cell count, etc. I do this every 6 months or so and it has made a world of difference. So check with your doctor and get that scheduled!
Start a stretching regimen- Stretching keeps your muscles flexible, and healthy. It helps increases range of motion in the joints. Stretching reduces stress and can increase stamina. Start out by taking 5 minutes/7 days a week.
Exercise!- Sorry for the exclamation point, but you guys knew that was coming. I'm a trainer, what did you expect? If you've read my blogs you know the importance of exercise. I always say to my clients, "You don't have to do what I do, but you have to do something!" Start slowly, but consistently. Set a timeframe that you KNOW you can make (i.e. 20 minutes/4 times per week) and stick with it. I always tell my clients that exercise should always include some type of resistance training, and some type of cardiovascular training.
4. Quit smoking and if you have to drink alcohol keep it at a minimum or none at all!- Yeah, harsh words, I know. Smoking among other things causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, etc. Just stop doing it while you're ahead (my opinion). Yes, I do have a blog explaining the benefits of red wine in moderations, but drinking alcohol can cause the diseases I've listed above as well. They both can cause muscle loss also. We already lose a certain percentage of muscle every year after 30 years old, adding these elements just speeds up the process.
5. Drink Water Daily- Start drinking water (yes I've written a blog on the benefits of drinking water also). Water stabilizes the heartbeat, flushes bacteria from your bladder, protects organs and tissues, aids in digestion, and carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells.
6. Baby your body- What I mean is go get that massage. Get in the sauna, go to the chiropractor. These 3 things have many benefits and can help add time to your life.
We cannot predict the future, we cannot control the inevitable, but what we can control is take care of the one body we do have to the best of our ability.