Getting the kids ready for school daily; writing (and rewriting) that thesis or dissertation for college; preparing for the multiple PowerPoints you have to present at work; taking care of your newborn; getting the house ready to be sold, and working on finding a new job. All these things and more make it easy to say, "I just don't have time!"
Let's admit it, it's easy to push things to the back burner of our lives. Especially when we feel we don't have time for it. Most of the time those "things" are our own health and fitness. In 2020 a survey was done with 2000 Americans. 79% of those of those Americans stated that they would feel much happier if they stuck with a workout/exercise routine, but 48% of that 79% said that they were too busy from work and other obligations to exercise at all.
That is an alarming number! Even though the test pool wasn't extremely large, I bet those reading this blog can relate. It's kind of our human nature.
Those tasks I listed in the beginning of this blog may or may not be a norm for you. So how can you continue to maintain your obligations while taking the time to focus and stay consistent (or start) your exercise regimen?
1. Involve the family: Everyone needs to exercise, so why not involve the family. Go to the park and throw the football or a frisbee. Start a family based workout video at home, or even go for a walk after dinner.
2. Start early: This might be hard for most of us, but start by getting up just 20-30 minutes earlier than normal and go for a walk. Even grab some canned goods out of the cabinet, use them as dumbbells and do some bicep curls. Any moving is good moving.
3. Use your work breaks: Most of us get breaks during our work day. You might get an hour break for lunch, or you may get 2-15 minute breaks and 1-30 minute break, either way use that and get some movement in. Do some easy wall/floor pushups; some leg lifts/sit-ups, or of course...go for a walk.
4. Make it a date day/night with your significant other: Might not be the most exciting activity in the world, but this will insure you and your partner spend time together and get healthier in the process.
5. Have your workout clothes in your car literally all the time: Always have your workout shoes, shirt, sweats with you each time you're in the car. You never know when you might have 15 minutes to spare and you're not far from your gym or a park where you can get a quick workout in.
I've listed just 5 ways to help you focus more on your health and fitness during your "busy season." There are more ways that I can list, but I bet you can think of some as well, due to your unique situations. Hopefully I triggered something in you to start today! Being healthier is important (whether we like this fact or not).