I could easily finish writing this blog by answering the title in one simple word...YES!
That wouldn't be fair though. Most of my readers, I would assume, would want to know HOW exercise helps.
In this blog I will list (and explain) how exercise helps you live longer.
Exercise helps your bones, tendons, and ligaments get stronger: When you exercise ligaments and tendons become stronger. Bones become denser and adapts to the pressure and movements associated with exercise by creating more bone. This is also of course aided by proper nutrition (Vitamin C and D as well).
Exercise improves mood and lowers stress: When you exercise a hormone called Endorphins is released and helps reduce stress, and sensations of pain. Exercise also helps with the connection of nerve cells in the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain that helps regulate mood. How that works is when you have more connections of nerve cells in the hippocampus this will improve brain function which in turn, will reduce the size of the hippocampus. A smaller hippocampus equates to fewer depressive symptoms.
Exercise helps control blood sugar: When exercising regularly it can improve the way insulin works which can help reduce blood sugar. This aids in lowering the risks of prediabetes.
Exercise can possibly lower the risk of certain cancers: Exercise does this by regulating weight, strengthen the immune system, and reducing insulin. A study in 2016 by researchers of the National Cancer Institute links exercise with lowering the risks of 13 specific cancers including: stomach, kidney, myeloid leukemia, rectum and bladder. This study can be found in the May 16th 2016 edition of JAMA Internal Medicine.
Exercise helps improve sleep: Exercise helps regulate weight and in turn can reduce the risk of sleep apnea. Exercise reduces daytime sleepiness (also depends if you work a late/night shift of course). It also raises adenosine levels. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter found in the central nervous system that causes drowsiness, and drops body temperature.
Remember, none of the reasons I listed matter without proper nutrition. A consistent healthy diet is a key component for your health/fitness program, and to see results.
I've listed 5 ways exercise helps you live longer. I assure you there are more, but you get the picture.
Start your fitness journey today in order to start feeling better tomorrow.